
Música: tudo gravar, tudo difundir, tudo reutilizar, livremente?

"Banda larga"

Gilberto Gil permite a gravação pelo público dos seus concertos, a sua difusão e até a sua reutilização...
Olha, agora os mais inteligentes compreenderam que quanto mais as suas obras difundem sem controlo, mais alcance têm? Onde vamos ? Então e as grandes editoras, ficam com as mãos a abanar?

Excertos do blogue de Francis Pisani no "Monde" em linha

"Il est en pleine tournée européenne (Juan les Pins le 20 juillet). Le public a le droit de tout enregistrer et de tout ré-utiliser “dans les réseaux, etc.
Voir ce billet et celui-ci sur le Brésil.
[Merci François Bar avec qui je travaille sur le projet Abaporu …] "

Isto vem de:
11 juillet 2007 Publié Open Source, Plurivers Lien permanent

Também vale a pena visitar a ligação sobre "open source"... e a do Abaporu: apropriação da tecnologia... Boa viagem!


Uma experiência vocal sobre uma música de Amílcar Vasques Dias

A vocal experiment on AVD's music


NB: You may open this link, click on the left column of the page, on the label " 128kbps M3U (Hi-Fi) (flash) "
or directly on this label here.

During the summer of 2006 Anne-Marie Letron, David Goldsworthy (both actors and vocal technique teachers from Roy Hart Théâtre) and I (JRdS) met in Southern France, and worked on a series of vocal experiments. Some of them took AVD's music as a basis, as is the case here. I translated the poem into French and into English, as Anne-Marie is French and David English.
The mixing of the three languages, Portuguese, French and English, which were used not in a successive way but in a strong association lead by the sonorities, intends to add to the universality of the feelings. We tried to exploit the character of the music, which expresses the fear of the military ocupation of East Timor and expresses anger and refusal of that violence. An old man says "no more will I seat under the sacred tree of Bô", a symbol for the ancient freedom, "as long as they will eat at my table in the old house of Dili" - the capital city of Timor, by that time occupied by the Indonesian.
The sound is of poor quality, but our aim was to give the full intensity and expression of what the music said to us (Jorge Correia plays the flute and says one of the texts in Portuguese, and AVD plays the piano) and to prepare a future work.
Our experiment was recorded... with the mike incorporated in the Mac's monitor front, while playing the music on the Mac's cd player. What we've got here is a kind of "sound polaroid". Hopefuly, this work should be resumed sometime. Anf if we can, in A2Sul, of course.

Uma sessão do A2Sul: excertos anárquicos

Trabalhos em curso, reduza a sua velocidade...
Dois curtos excertos de sessões de trabalho:
Uníssonos, vozes, desafinações.
Um ambiente de busca intensa mas serena...

Desfrutem (se puderem).



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Neste servidor, como nos que obedecem à mesma regra, pode armazenar e difundir os seus conteúdos originais, maneira genial de salvaguardar direitos morais dos autores sem recorrer à paranoia ultrapassada dos copyrights (que apenas servem as grandes companhias que difundem conteúdos sem os pagarem - artigos - ou pagando miseravelmente - músicas).